

lightswitch stickers

November 2023 - Present

The Housing subteam is working with Cornell Housing and Residential Life to design stickers to encourage students to turn off the lights in their dorm room.  These stickers will be placed near the lightswitches in each room of the new North Campus dorms.

Sustainable Room Certification

? - Present

The Sustainable Room Certification program recognizes and rewards students, living on- and off-campus, who are striving to live more sustainably. Our group is currently working on launching an engagement program within residential dorms that ranks students’ living habits based on their sustainability efforts. To successfully launch this program, we are tailoring a survey that aims to accurately capture students’ daily habits and preferences while keeping in mind how we could further motivate and promote sustainable lifestyles.

Recycling stickers

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RSLs created giant recycling stickers to help Cornellians better distinguish between trash and recycling dumpsters.