The Dining/Eateries subteam deals with sustainability issues within dining halls and eateries on campus. As students who regularly frequent these locations, we are uniquely familiar with their sustainability issues and seek to develop solutions to these problems. Our current and past work includes helping Morrison Dining transition to reusable dishware, expanding the reusable takeout container program, and pushing for plant-based food offerings.
Team Terracycle of the RSLs aims to promote Terracycle at Cornell. Terracycle is an innovative alternative recycling company that collects traditionally non-recyclable materials, diverting them from landfills and instead breaking them down into raw materials to create new products. Though we are not affiliated with the company (yet), in collaboration with another Cornell student organization SNRC (Society for Natural Resources Conservation), we manage and strive to increase the awareness & usage of Terracycle bins across campus. You can drop off items relating to oral care, writing instruments, snack & candy wrappers, and much more -- keep an eye out for them
Educational Outreach
Educational Outreach works on educating students on how they can partake in making Cornell a more sustainable campus, planning and hosting residential sustainability events/programs (fun, social, engaging, educational, experiential, etc.), and overall, facilitating the sustainability initiative on a student-basis!
The web development team creates and maintains an up-to-date organization website, including resources and upcoming events—you're looking at it right now!