Community Outreach
November 2023
The Educational Outreach subteam presented at SPLASH!, where they talked about materials sustainability and recycling to a class of high schoolers. The team will continue working on sticker designs for residential halls and pushing for more sustainable laundry practices.
Laundry Ball Tabling
April 2023
The Educational Outreach subteam hosted a laundry ball event, where we gave out 200 free laundry balls to students and staff on campus. Laundry balls help your clothes dry faster, and can be reused for over 1,000 loads, decreasing laundry dryer energy usage and emissions. The event was a great success, and we’re happy to be improving sustainable practices in the laundry room, one laundry ball at a time.
Annual Pumpkin Composting
? - Present
The annual pumpkin composting event is held on North and West campus where we collect pumpkins from Fall and Halloween festivities.
lightswitch stickers
November 2023 - Present
The Housing subteam is working with Cornell Housing and Residential Life to design stickers to encourage students to turn off the lights in their dorm room. These stickers will be placed near the lightswitches in each room of the new North Campus dorms.
Recycling stickers
? - ?
RSLs created giant recycling stickers to help Cornellians better distinguish between trash and recycling dumpsters.